The Zika virus is a growing concern because it can tragically affect a pregnancy, regardless of whether you want to become a surrogate mother in Georgia or want to grow your family using a surrogacy in georgia. Although this virus is unfortunately frightening for surrogates and intended parents, this post is not meant to frighten you. Instead, our objective is to arm you with fundamental knowledge and useful Zika virus precautions so you can safeguard both yourself and your unborn child.
Zika Virus 101: what you should know?
When a pregnant woman contracts the mosquito-borne zika virus during surrogacy in Georgia, it can result in serious birth defects like microcephaly, neurological problems, and physical impairments. Since there is currently no treatment for or vaccine against a Zika virus infection, the best defense is to lower your risk of exposure.
• Moreover, It is caused by
• Mosquitoes that have bitten a person who has the virus now spread it to others.
• engaging in unprotected sex with a sick partner
• being transmitted to a woman’s fetus while she is pregnant.
Unfortunately, many adults who carry the Zika virus never know they do so because, like many viruses, they don’t exhibit any symptoms. If they do get sick, they may also have fever, rash, headache, joint pain, conjunctivitis (red eyes), and muscle pain (according to the Centers for Disease Control).
Due to the fact that the Zika virus is primarily spread by specific mosquitoes, there are obviously some regions of the world where it is more prevalent and others where it only happens when a traveler returns home infected.
Surrogacy in Georgia & the Zika Virus?
If you’ve been exposed to the zika virus (either while traveling or by engaging in unprotected sex with a potentially infected partner), you should postpone your plans to become pregnant because the virus stays in the blood stream for months after the initial infection. Both intended parents and surrogate mother in Georgia can use their own egg and/or sperm if they choose to do so.
Besides, keep in mind these Zika virus precautions and window of opportunity if you or your partner intends to travel before or during your pregnancy via surrogacy in Georgia:
• If only one or both of the female partners go on the trip, pregnancy should be delayed by at least 8 weeks, and the couple should engage in safer sex (using a condom) or abstain for two months.
• Because the virus can be found in semen longer than in other bodily fluids, a couple should practice safer sex or abstain for three months if only the male partner or both partners travel.
• Even if the unborn child has not yet been conceived and is only a hopeful idea, intended parents and potential surrogates must take certain precautions against the Zika virus as the summer mosquito season gets underway.
The following are the most crucial safeguards against the Zika virus:
Consult your doctor: We live in a culture where travel is common, so even if you or your partner haven’t been to a high-risk area, there is a chance (a relatively low chance, but one that is still important to be aware of) that you could have been exposed to the Zika virus. Before you start trying to conceive or have your eggs extracted, discuss it with your treating doctor.
Avoid going to high-risk locations: After contracting the zika virus, it can linger in your blood stream for months. Therefore, if you intend to become a surrogate mother in Georgia or have your eggs fertilized, you should be very careful when picking travel destinations both before conception and during pregnancy.
Indulge in safe sex: It’s critical that you use safer sex practices, specifically using a condom, if you or your partner have visited a high-risk area, have been exposed to the Zika virus, or if one of you has been diagnosed with the disease. Keep in mind that the virus can persist in the majority of bodily fluids for up to two months after exposure and for up to three months in semen.
Keep mosquito bites at bay: Ask your treating physician for a safe and reliable repellent, and make sure to use it consistently. Wear long sleeves and loose-fitting pants and clothing. When mosquitoes are active, pay attention to your surroundings and stay inside (or in screened-in areas).
Final words
Taking care of your health during surrogacy cut down big time on the given surrogacy cost in Georgia. Hence, keeping the precautions is always the right way to go forward.
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