IVF and Fertility Solutions

Fertility solutions & IVF treatment in Kenya

IVF agency in KenyaWhile Infertility has come up as a barrier to the happiness of thousands of couples around the world, their corrupt lifestyles, and unhealthy eating habits have made the issue worst with every day passing. Moreover, IVF treatment in Kenya has come up as the most sought-after solution in the past few years to combat the devil of Infertility and the only issue coming in between is the unavailability of the best IVF center in Kenya and worldwide.

We at Surrogacy Kenya have helped more than 600 couples around the world and assisted them in making their “Dreams of Achieving Parenthood” realized with the help of the most advanced IVF techniques and Medical Professionals in a low cost of IVF treatment in Kenya. We offer a big list of IVF and fertility treatments in Kenya which includes ICSI, PGD/PGS, Embryo Scope, Cryopreservation, FET, TESE, Endometrial Coculture, and Assisted Embryo Hatching. We are among the leading specialist of IVF treatment in Kenya.

Apart from infertility in men, here are other infertility problems for which ICSI is a suitable treatment:

    • Immunological infertility factors
  • Less number of retrieved eggs
  • Fertilization failure during the previous IVF cycle
  • Repeated miscarriages during the previous cycle
  • Age over 35 years
  • Endometriosis, PCOS, or any other problem
  • Unfavorable embryo development in previous cycles

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ICSI-IVF Treatment in Kenya

IVF treatment in kenyaICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection includes the injection of spermatozoa straight into the egg to get it developed further. Moreover, the embryos which have been obtained as a result get cultivated further for the next three to four days, before it gets transferred to the women’s womb, or get preserved for future usage with the help of cryopreservation. We are one of the best IVF clinics in Kenya.


PGD/PGS Treatment


PGD: Pre-implantation genetic testing is a process that is used to diagnose certain eggs and/or embryos for any genetic disorders.

PGS: Pre-implantation genetic screening is another very useful procedure that is brought in used to monitor eggs and/or embryos to check them for chromosome abnormalities. PGS is mostly used in cases of older age for women looking to conceive, Multiple IVF failures in past, recurring miscarriages, or achievement of Pregnancy with some chromosomal issues.



EmbryoScope TLM (Timelapse) is mostly used to check and monitor the development of embryos during the IVF cycles. The process undergoes while locating the embryos with the highest implantation probability along with abnormal development while using continuous TLM culture.



The Oocytes which are retrieved during fertility preservation treatments along with the embryos developed out of in vitro fertilization cycles get preserved for future use with this process.


FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer)

This process includes defrosting the Embryos which have been cryopreserved and then transferring them into the woman’s uterus at the right time during her menstrual cycle.


Microscopic Testicular Sperm Extraction (micro-TESE)

ivf treatment in KenyaThe sperms are extracted microsurgically from the testicles by using this process. Additionally, if we use this process along with IVF, it can come up as a transforming solution for a number of infertility issues in males coming from the deficiency of sperm (azoospermia) in the semen due to some anatomical obstructions or because of very low/no sperm production.


Endometrial CoCulture

Autologous endometrial coculture (AECC or, simply, coculture) is one of the IVF techniques which get used to usually promote normal embryo development and ensure a healthy pregnancy cycle for the woman and her child.


Assisted Embryo Hatching

Assisted Embryo hatching also gets used along with your IVF treatment and a few days before the embryo transfer. During this process, an embryologist uses a laser to thin the zona pellucida (embryo’s outer shell) and provide better support to the embryo to shack its cell coat and insert (attach to the uterus).

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